What the Jatt (2015) Punjabi 200MB WebHD 480P
What the Jatt (2015) Punjabi 200MB WebHD 480P
Synopsis: What is a village of Jatt Punjab who hail a young ambitious actor Raj and his best friend Fateh, Tickle adventure comedy about a nervous. Their efforts to achievetheir dreams, he led a series of unexpected events that find themselves in hilarioussituations. One after another to producers for the film, as it takes them to,confusion and destruction of laugh riots. But true Jatts, eliminating all challengesand emerge as the winner!
Directed By: Saket Behl
Released On: 13 March 2015
Genre(s): Comedy | Romance
Cast: Harish Verma, Isha Rikhi, Binnu Dhillon, B N Sharma, Vipul Roy, Poonam Rajput
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