Zombie Massacre (2013) Watch Oline
Zombie Massacre (2013) Wath Online
Movie Info: IMDB
Rating: 2.2/10
Release Date: 6 August 2013
Genre: Action | Horror | Sci-Fi
Director: Luca Boni, Marco Ristori
Stars: Christian Boeving, Mike Mitchell, Tara Cardinal
Storyline: A bacteriological weapon developed by the US Government to create a super soldier – spreads an epidemic in a quiet little town in the middle of Eastern Europe. All citizens have been turned into infected zombies. The plan is to bring an atomic bomb into the city’s nuclear plant to pretend a terrible accident occurred. No one has to know the truth. A team of mercenaries is hired to complete the mission. The battle is on. Hordes of monsters against the team. WHO WILL SURVIVE?
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